2024 GMGA Conference Registration

please NOTE: THE uga pre-tour activities are sold out.

For the 2024 conference, we have broken down registration into a few EASY steps:

  1. Choose your member status (member or non-member) for the annual conference

  2. Buy your conference ticket(s)

  3. Select your Breakout Sessions

  4. Choose your conference lunch

    So let’s get started!

Are you a GMGA member? If so, congratulations! Please skip this step and go straight to the next selection. If you are not a member, please consider joining us! Not only will the conference fee be reduced by the $20 it typically costs an individual to join, you will ALSO RECEIVE MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS for a full year.

Honestly, why pay an extra $20 to join the conference as a non-member when you can get a full year of membership included?

GMGA Annual Membership
from $20.00 every 12 months
Membership Type:
Join Today!

Now for the best part! Please choose the number of tickets you will need for the conference and all other items you need to select. Once you make your selection, don’t forget to hit that “ADD TO CART” button!

This is the conference ticket. Purchase of a conference ticket is required for successful registration. As mentioned above, if you do not purchase a conference ticket, your order for the complimentary tours and lunch included with the conference will likely be cancelled.

No refunds will be issued after Sep 1, 2024

2024 Annual Conference Registration
from $75.00
Select GMGA Membership Status:
Add To Cart

Great! Now that we have your conference tickets taken care of (thank you members!), please choose whether you will be attending any breakout sessions. Once you are finished with this next section, don’t forget to hit the “ADD TO CART” button!

2024 Breakout Sessions I

Please choose only one from the following.  Each session lasts from 1:00 – 1:45

Breakout Session:
Add To Cart
2024 Breakout Sessions II

Please choose only one from the following.  Each session lasts from 1:45 – 2:25

Breakout Session:
Add To Cart

We are looking forward to seeing you at the Breakout Sessions. As a reminder, did you remember to hit the “ADD TO CART” button for the Breakout Sessions?

Now please select a lunch option for the main conference day. Once you make your selection, don’t forget to hit that “ADD TO CART” button!

The full description of your choices are listed here and then abbreviated in the selection box below. They are:

  • Chicken Salad Sandwich on Croissant w/butter lettuce

  • Ham Sandwich w/lettuce on bun or assorted breads w/tomato & honey mustard

  • Roasted Veg Sandwich on Onion Roll w/lettuce & tomato, & hummus dressing

  • Gluten free Bread Box includes a choice of

    • Chicken Salad as above on gluten free bread

    • Roasted Veggies on gluten free Bread

IMPORTANT: The number of lunches you order should be the same, or less than, the number of conference tickets you purchased.

2024 Conference Lunch
Sandwich Type:
Add To Cart

Don’t forget to hit that “Add to Cart” button after each step!

There should be 4 items in your cart: a conference ticket, two breakout sessions, and a lunch selection.


Congratulations on making the choice to join us for the 2024 Georgia Master Gardeners Annual Conference. Now that you have selected all of your conference registration options, just click the big button below to start the checkout and payment process.