Commonly Asked Questions
How do I join GMGA?
You can join GMGA electronically or using the paper form and mailing a check to the P.O. Box listed on the Form. On the website click on JOIN GMGA or go to ABOUT/MEMBERSHIPS. The advantages of membership are listed. By scrolling down, there are 2 choices to join as described. Every member receives an electronic copy of the Scoop. Some prefer a printed copy for an additional $18. You can also ask your local Extension office or local Master Gardener group.
I forgot my password. What do I do?
On the webpage, click on MEMBER STATUS. It will ask for your password. The system will display your email address. Below the Sign In button it says “Forgot Password” Click on this comment. The system will send you an email and ask for a new 10 digit password to be created and confirmed.
Do not click on Create Account.
I have a new Address, email or Phone number, etc
If you enrolled using auto renewal, you can change any feature in your account information. On the webpage, click on MEMBER STATUS. Enter your password. (If you have verification ON, you must click on verify to your email before you can access this info) A screen will open with your Account information.
Click on Address to make any adjustments.
Click on Name
Click on Add Address. Add new Info.
Click on Delete Address to remove the old address.
Click on Save.
Can I change my email?
The ability to change your email is now available.
Click on Profile then click on email.
Type the new email into the New Fiels and confirm it in the Confirm New Field
Re-enter the account password for secutiry
A verfication email is sent to the updated email address
Confirm the change in the email address to save. NOTE: This only works if the original email address is verified.
Am I still a Member? When does my Membership expire?
If you enrolled using auto renewal, you can always check on your membership status. On the webpage, click on MEMBER STATUS. Enter your password. Click on Subscriptions. The current active is Membership is at the top of the list. It will indicate your next order is mm/dd. By clicking on the >, it will open up the details of the current Order, the price, what type of Membership, and what specific date the next Order will renew.
If you did not join using this method, you can always contact Membership at
My Credit Card has expired or has been Replaced by a new one.
Follow the steps as above.
Click on Payment then Add New Payment. Add all of the requested information and Save. Remove the bad card from this record. Save
If the old card has resulted in your current membership being Cancelled, you will need to Join GMGA with a new Membership using the new credit card information
My last Order is listed as Pending
All Membership Orders are listed as pending. We have the ability to operate a storefront in Square Space but do not fill or ship any orders with Membership. As a result, these orders are always listed as Pending.
I no longer want to receive the CLIPS.
Go to the bottom of a CLIPS email and click on Unsubscribe.
Does GMGA Accept Donations?
On the Home page click on the Donate button. As a 501 (c) 3, GMGA accepts potential tax deductible donations. This is done by clicking on Donate directly to GMGA.
You may also donate to GMGA's Scholarship Fund at UGA for worthy horticultural students at UGA College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES). This is done by clicking on Donate to the UGA Fund. The University manages the Scholarship Fund.