The Georgia Master Gardener Association allocates monies each year to support a variety of horticultural projects in Georgia.  The number of requests awarded depends on the funds available.  Funding requests cannot exceed $500.  Organizations submitting applications must be non-profit and have no political affiliations.  A certified Master Gardener who is a member of GMGA must make the application

Applicants requesting a project grant must complete a written proposal that provides detailed information about the project.  If selected, the recipient must sign an agreement with GMGA as outlined in the Application below. 

Application Procedures

Complete the Proposal Cover Sheet that includes basic contact information and requires the signatures of both you and the GMGA District Director.  Attach the Proposal Cover Sheet to your proposal.  To assure the check can be cashed or deposited, the grant cover sheet must include a payee who has an active bank account.  The proposal should be no longer than three pages.  Attachments such as photographs may be included.  Scan and forward digitally all application material.

See the Grant Proposal Application for full details.

The deadline for submitting an application for a GMGA Project Grant to your GMGA District Director is March 1.  Check 

The GMGA District Director shall evaluate the project and submit to the GMGA VP of Grants by March 15. If your area are does not have a District Director, the submission will be reviewed by the VP of Grants.



ready to get started?

Download our Project Grant Proposal today!

Download a PDF version here