The Georgia Master Gardener Association, Inc. is a statewide 501(c)(3) corporation of Master Gardeners and supporters which has as its primary purpose support of and advocacy for Master Gardeners and Master Gardener organizations throughout the state.
We have a clear vision
We are the resource of choice for Georgians, the voice for Master Gardeners statewide and the uniting force for individual Master Gardeners, MasterGardener county chapters, constituents of Georgia and UGA Cooperative Extension. In 2023, 13 Counties recruited and trained 270 new volunteers. In 2023, 2,036 Georgia Master Gardeners shared their time and talent and we gave over 159,990 volunteer hours to our communities at an estimated value of over $5.1 million. GMGA activities are supported entirely by GMGA Membership dues and sponsorships.
We have a simple mission
To enthusiastically, voluntarily and responsibly promote the knowledge and dissemination of university based applied research through a statewide network of Master Gardeners.
GMGA awards a significant amount annually to projects throughout the state which are educational and involve the community. Programs for physically and mentally challenged children and adults, public and private school children and the renovation and preservation of historic gardens have all been supported by GMGA Project Grants. This is one way we grow gardeners.
Another is the Scholarship Fund established by GMGA in 2011 for a UGA Horticultural student. In 2013 - two years earlier than planned - it became fully funded and the first scholarship was awarded in 2014. We are grateful to those of you who have contributed and appreciate your continued donations that make our Fund even stronger.