We have awarded $5,000 in grants for 2024 to a total of ten recipients! The criteria for awarding project grant money includes community value and involvement in horticulture to make a difference, educational value where the funding makes a significant contribution, displays realistic goals and objectives, as well as a maintenance schedule, documents the project for GMGA and the community that instructs and informs so that others may benefit from the work funded and, utilizes as many Master Gardeners as possible.

Below is a synopsis of each grant, the GMGA Master Gardener Project Manager, the amount, and the project description.


Grant Awarded

Bartow County (Shirley Andrews)

Euharlee Elementary, Euharlee Grow Getters

Bartow County (April West)

Bartow County Extension Office, Junior MG Curriculum

Grant Awarded

Grant Awarded

Columbia County (Phillip Hanes)

Reed Park Gardens, Reed Creed Park Garden Expansion.

DeKalb County (Tasha Messer)

Winona Park Elementary, raised bed renovation.

Grant Awarded

Grant Awarded

Floyd County (Melissa Edwards)

Chieftains Museum Major Ridge, Demo garden.

Gwinnett County (Marilyn Whitmer)

Peachtree Elementary School, Peachtree elementary gardens.

Grant Awarded

Grant Awarded

Houston County (Patricia Reynard)

Perry branch of Houston County Library, Native Wings Educational Coop

Pickens County (Heather Giambra)

Pickens County Extension Office, Pickens County EXTN garden project.

Grant Awarded

Grant Awarded

Richmond County (Elliot Price)

Vineyard Church, Vineyard Giving Farm.

Walton County (Peggy Jones)

Walton County Extension Office, Pollinator Garden of Experimental Learning

Grant Awarded