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GREENE COUNTY: Master Gardener 2019 Fall Plant Sale

The proceeds of the fall plant sale are used to fund community garden projects and community outreach coordinated by the Greene County Master Gardeners. Past sales have supported such projects as the Greene County Community Demonstration Garden, youth development scholarships for the local 4-H program, as well as other community education and outreach projects. Come purchase your ornamentals such as beautiful azaleas, camellias, ferns, abelias, viburnums, and other assorted shrubs and perennials at half the regular retail price. Also, take advantage of having Master Gardeners available to help you find the right plant for the right location within your landscape or answer other gardening questions you may have. The sale will begin promptly at 9:00 AM. Come early because the plants typically sell out fast. If you have any questions regarding the sale call the Greene County Extension Office at 706-453-2083. Checks and cash accepted.