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LAWRENCEVILLE: GCMGA Monthly Meeting- State Botanical Garden Grassland Initiative Using I-Naturalist

Bethesda Senior Center, 225 Bethesda Church Road, Lawrenceville, GA. Guest Speaker Will Rogers is a Research Professional at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia where he specializes in rare and endangered plant studies. He is a native of South Georgia where he developed a knack for noting strange and unusual relationships in the natural world. His career in Plant Biology began as he was obtaining a degree in Psychology from the University of Georgia. He enjoyed 17 years in the Plant Biology department with the last 10 of those years focusing on Sarracenia (Pitcher Plants). He joined the State Botanical Garden's Science and Conservation team in late 2017 where his work focuses on horticulture, genetics, and public service and outreach. GCMGA meetings are free and open to the public. If you would like to join us for dinner, please come at 6:30 and bring a dish to share.